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Podcast-2 : Overview of Diabetes | Dr. Purnima. K | Diabetologist

Overview of Diabetes | Dr. Purnima. K | Diabetologist

Ikshana Wellness Talk is hosted by Diabetologist, Dr. Purnima K. In this podcast, we are diving into a topic that affects millions of people worldwide “Diabetes”  Diabetes is a medical condition that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar or glucose levels. There are several types of diabetes, with the two most common ones […]

Podcast-1 Ikshana Wellness Talk-Intro | Dr. Purnima. K

Ikshana Wellness Talk is hosted by Diabetologist, Dr. Purnima K. In this podcast, we will explore the Ikshana Multi-Specialty and Diagnostic Center. Dr. Purnima K. aims to raise awareness about all your healthcare needs through this podcast. . ⁠Ikshana Multi-specialty and Diagnostics is a prestigious healthcare center situated in the heart of Bangalore. We take […]

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